What is Mykonos like? Watch this!
Have you always dreamt about visiting Greece? I bet one of the first few places you think of when thinking of Greece is the popular island of Mykonos. Completely understandable, it's where everyone goes right? At least until they start discovering other places, but its a great place to start!

Have you ever asked yourself, what is Mykonos like? Is Mykonos worth it? Is Mykonos really all it's dressed up to be? Is it as beautiful as all the pictures I've seen?
Well in 2021 I set out to a shoot a short film, showcasing Mykonos town, and its beauty. It's part of my NakedGreece Film series, where I showcase places during times of the year that the tourists are not there. In the first film, I shot NakedSantorini, which was an experience of a lifetime, shooting the film in the middle of the winter. The sequel was shot in Paros, in the picturesque village of Naousa, the film is called NakedNaousa.
This film will not show you the lifestyle of what goes on in Mykonos, rather it will show you Mykonos Town's raw beauty. Also known as Little Venice!
In 2021 I visited Mykonos in mid June, before the crowds started to arrive. The result is a 45 minute film with still views, and sounds with as few people in the view. In the film we explore Mykonos town. You can watch the film below or send it to your big screen via YouTube/AirPlay.
If you enjoyed this film, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube for more films like this!
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